What use is the vignette?
The vignette is mandatory for driving in Low Emission Mobility Zones (ZFE-m). If you don't have it on your windshield, you're liable to a €68 fine (simple fine).
My ranking
Six classifications exist, each associated with a corresponding color ranging from gray (for the most polluting vehicles) to green (for 100% electric or hydrogen-powered vehicles).
Our service
We offer a range of services specifically designed for used vehicle fleet managers, with a monthly fee of 39 € (a 2-day trial period is available for 0.99 € to test the platform). For private individuals or occasional use, we recommend ordering the vignette on the http://certificat-air.gouv.fr website.
Informations personnelles
Votre adresse email est utilisée pour vous transmettre une attestation temporaire avant réception de votre vignette.
Shipping Address
Vérifiez votre certificat d’immatriculation
The Crit'Air sticker is always sent to the address listed on the vehicle's registration certificate (or title).
You can update the address on your vehicle's registration certificate for free by clicking on this link: